House of Pizza app design

Interaction design / Visual design / Wire-framing

With so many restaurants and bars now offering their own app or site for ordering your food, you don’t have to go far to find one that makes the whole process into an ordeal. Pages and pages of sub-menus, search options, and content that doesn’t quite fit the screen really doesn’t start the experience off on the right foot.

With the House of Pizza app concept I wanted to take the process back to basics and create a simple, content-led journey that’s intuitive without compromising on functionality. The brand is fresh and bold, using colour and organic shapes to bring personality, and reflect the home-made style of their food.

After identifying the basic functionality of the app and common pain points I created multiple wireframes and iterated them after some basic testing. I wanted to focus on browsing the menu, adding something, and then customising it. I wanted the process to be smooth and intuitive, avoiding lots of different pages / sub-menus. The onboarding process is short and new users can see their progress to encourage completion.


Login flow

Browsing menu


The buttons are big and bold making it easy to use and help guide the user through the process. The menu has a clean layout with a simple hierarchy, making the content easy to read. I’ve utilised horizontal scrolling for the ‘house specials’ section so the main section of the menu is quick and easy to get to. It also highlights the different content type. Through simple interactions it’s easy to navigate the menu, apply/remove filters, favourite items, see detailed info, and select an item.

Once selecting an item, you then have the chance to customise it before adding it to your order. This screen puts a real focus on the specific pizza. By categorising the customisation options and using simple consistent buttons, it makes the whole process very easy to navigate and use. The ingredients and price update in real time depending on your selections.

HOP brand image 1.jpg
HOP brand image 2.jpg